Mastering Text Styling with CSS: A Comprehensive Tutorial
Welcome to "Mastering Text Styling With CSS: A Comprehensive Tutorial". In our previsou video, we covered
the basics of CSS to include CSS slectors (Classes & ID). In this video, we'll guide you through the
art of creating visually captivating and reader-friendly text by harnessing the potential of CSS.
Join us as we explore essential techniques, share valuable tips, and introduce best practices that will
not only demystify CSS but also take your typography game to the next level. Oh, and brace yourself for a revelation -
learning CSS is a breeze.
Text Styling with CSS: Video Tutorial | Coding4Success
Mastering Text Styling:- Summary:
In this segment, we're diving into the world of typography
and exploring some of the essential elements that play a crucial role
in text styling using CSS: Font Size, Font Weight, Font Family, Text Alignment, Margins & Paddings,
Text Decoration & Text Shadow. Here is short summary! Please do not forget to practice using the Editor below.
Font Size, Font Weight & Font Family:
Font Size: Font Size: When it comes to font size, we can use: a) fixed units (pixels),
relative units (rem, em, or procentage), or view port unites (vh or vw).
Font Weight: Font weight controls the thickness of the text characters.
We have a few option to use: a) normal, b) bold, c)lighter, and d)bolder. In addition, we could use numerical
values like: a) 100, b) 400, or c) 700. The higher the number the bolder the text.
Font Family: Font family determines the typeface used for the text. We have many options
like Generic Font Families (serif, sans-serif, monospace, and cursive), or Google Fonts.
Text Alignment, Margins & Paddings
Text Alignment:: Text alignment in CSS refers to the positioning of text within its container or element.
There are four main text alignment options: a) Left Alignment, b) Right Alignment, c) Center Alignment and d) Justified Alignment.
Margins : Margins in CSS are the space around an element. They create separation between the element and its neighboring elements. Margins can be set on all four sides (top, right, bottom, left) independently..
Padding: Paddings in CSS are the space between an element's content and its border. Padding adds space within the element itself,
separating its content from its edges.
Text Decoration & Text Shadow
Text Decoration: Text decoration in CSS involves adding visual enhancements to text to make it stand out or convey additional meaning.
There are several text decoration properties: None, Underline, Overline, Line-through.
Text Shadow: Text shadow in CSS creates a shadow effect behind the text, adding depth and dimension to it. It's a way to make text pop against its background.
The text-shadow property takes four values:a) Horizontal Offset, b) Vertical Offset, c) Blur Radius and d) Shadow Color.
Now is your turn! Remember:"Practice makes perfect"!
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Test Your Code
Below you'll find a code editor for HTML, SCC, and JS so you can practice your code.
You'll see immediately how your webpage will look in web browser. Have Fun Coding!
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