× Introducting Dog Shelter Project Dog Shelter Project: Structuring The Folders Dog Shelter: Building The Navbar Dog Shelter: Building The Hero Section Dog Shelter: Building The Get Involved Section Dog Shelter: Building The Dogs For Adoption Section Dog Shelter: Building The QA Section Dog Shelter: Building The Footer Section Dog Shelter: Responsive Design

Introducing The Dog Shelter Project

Welcome to our exciting first project! We're absolutely thrilled to see that you've come this far, and you should take immense pride in your accomplishments. As we dive into this project, you'll quickly discover that you've already mastered the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through our video tutorials. Now, it's time to put those skills to the test and embark on the journey of creating an incredible Dog Shelter website.

In today's video, we'll provide a sneak peek at the website we'll be building, featuring sections like Header & Navbar, Hero, Get Involved, Dogs Available for Adoption, FAQ, and Footer. Don't be intimidated – if you've followed our tutorials, you'll be well-prepared to follow along. Take your time, rewatch the video if necessary, and don't hesitate to ask questions if you encounter any challenges. Let's dive into this amazing project together!