× Introduction To CSS Mastering Text Styling with CSS: A Comprehensive Tutorial CSS Box Model: Understanding Margins, Padding, and Layout Mastering CSS Flexbox: A Comprehensive Tutorial

CSS Unleashed: An In-Depth Introduction and Tutorial Series

Welcome to "CSS Unleashed: An In-Depth Introduction and Tutorial Series" – your gateway to mastering the art of CSS ( Cascading Style Sheets ). We'll take you on a journey through the fundamental principles of CSS as we unravel its power to transform web layouts and aesthetics. Our step-by-step approach, we'll guide you from the basics of selectors and properties to advanced techniques like responsive design and animations.

CSS Basics: Selectors & Properties

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets , and simple put, it's a fundamental technology used in web development to control the look and layout of web pages. In addition, it also defines how the content of a webpage should be displayed on different devices and screen sizes. Let's delve into the world of 'CSS Unleashed Tutorial Series' and take on this exciting journey together.

Introduction To CSS: Video Tutorial | Coding4Success

Introduction to CSS - Summary:

In this video we have covered the basics of CSS. As mentioned earleir, CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, which is used to style content of our web page. We have covered the fundamental concepts of CSS and its role in web development. In order to style any element we need to be able to select it. This is accomplished by using eihter so-called global selectors (like the element itself like "h1" etc which would affect all the "h1" elements on webpage), or we could use special kind of selectors called "Classes" and "IDs".

CSS Global Selectors

One of the simplest ways to select HTML element is to use the main html elements like "p" , "h1" and so on. The issue with these selectors is that they would select all of these elements regardless where they are located on the webpage.

Here is basic SCC syntax for global selectors:

h1 { color:black; }

As you see in this example, after the selector comes curly bracket and inside it we need to add property: value; set followed by semi colon. Some of the most common properties are: font-size, color (for font color), margin, padding, background-color, border.

CSS Classes

CSS classes are a fundamental concept in web development and styling. They are used to apply specific styles to one or more HTML elements without relying solely on element types or IDs. Simple put, classes provide a way to group and target elements that share a common purpose or design, making CSS more organized.

Here is basic SCC syntax for CSS Classes:

.css-class-name { css_property:css_value; }

Please note the there is one dot (.) before the css-class-name. We can use any name for CSS Class Name.


In CSS, an ID (short for "identifier") is a unique label or name assigned to an HTML element. IDs are used to uniquely identify a specific element on a web page. Unlike classes, which can be applied to multiple elements, each ID must be unique within the HTML document. IDs are primarily used for targeting and styling individual elements with high specificity. Please note, the CSS ID use # instead of . (dot);

Here is basic SCC syntax for CSS ID:

#CSS-ID-name { css_property:css_value; }

Now is your turn! Remember: "Practice makes perfect"!

worning: Do not copy & paste the above code. Type it in to practice. Please Do Not Copy & Paste the above code as it will not display. Please type in the above code to practice.

Test Your Code

Below you'll find a code editor for HTML, SCC, and JS so you can practice your code. You'll see immediately how your webpage will look in web browser. Have Fun Coding!

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